Sunday, May 1, 2016

Latest Updates This Week In The Things To Do In Beacon Guides 5-1-16

Happy May, everyone! Here's a quick list of what we added to ALBB this week so you can plan ahead this Spring. As the weather gets warmer, there will be more and more fun things to do!

  • Burger & Beer Bash: Held this year at Dutchess Stadium on Thursday, August 11th. Tickets on sale now!
  • City-Wide Yard Sale: Taking place June 11th throughout Beacon
  • Bija Beacon Homestead BBQ & Art Opening: A free event featuring art from R.A. McBride
  • Howland Public Library Awards Ceremony: A benefit for the Howland Public Library Savoit Fund
  • Howland Cultural Center Monthly Events: including Open Mic Night, Bridge Club, Community Chorus, May Art Exhibit and more.
All of these dates are in the Events Guide, organized by month. Take a look to get a big-picture view of your month ahead!

  • Prenatal & Parenting classes: Added to Waddle n Swaddle in Beacon
Check our Adult Classes Guide for more updates.

  • Playdates (0-3 years): Added to Waddle n Swaddle on Thursdays, 1:00-2:30 pm

Check our Kids Classes Guide for more updates.

  • Barb's Butchery: Prepare your next slow-cooked meal or sausage breakfast for the week ahead, and save 20%! Visit Barb’s Butchery's Frozen Foods ‘fridge, where all frozen rib-eye and sausage are 20% off.
You can always check our Restaurant Guide for the latest openings and promotions!

  • Society of Lash is our newest member “Stand Out!” sponsor, making women mysteriously more beautiful than ever!
Find more ways to pamper yourself in our full Beauty Guide

Do you have a class or workshop you would like us to consider adding? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or via email at 

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