Friday, August 3, 2012

A Mama Needs a Comfort Seat

When George Vargas first joined our small business community at 'PRENEUR, I checked out the Holland based company he represented, and longed for their invention: the Comfort Seat, a flat cushion of comfort fitted with 14 adjustable sitting positions. Their website is covered in pictures of glamor girls reclining in the sun or on boats, and while this seat is perfect for that, I find myself sitting most of the time inside, on a cold kitchen or bathroom floor, helping my babies eat and bathe.

Then I was Skyping one morning with my friend in Dubai while she happened to be giving her son a bath. My friend is glamorous, lives in a nice place, but there she was, in a long cotton dress, wine in hand, sitting on the floor of her bathroom while her little one took a bath.

And then I was overcome. This floor sitting to get closer to little people is uncivilized! We must sit in something! My fantasies of using the beach bound Comfort Seat over came me, and I got one. Love it! It's so easy to cart around the house to go wherever I need it (this morning found me in the kitchen for an early bout of mango eating and dishes that my toddler wanted to do - I relaxed in the seat while she worked).

I shared my thoughts with George, how the mom market could be great, and he let me know that in Holland, several schools used the Comfort Seat in the classroom because for whatever reason, they sit on the floor there to learn.

Do you garden? Do you sit outside? Get one. You'll be so glad you did.


  1. Neat-o! What are they called and where can you get one?

  2. They are called the Comfort Seat, and you get them here!
