Monday, January 25, 2016

Launching Soon...The Highly Anticipated Adult + Kids Classes Guides

It's finally happening...the Adults and Kids Classes Guides at A Little Beacon Blog. This is a collection of classes that people living in and around Beacon really want to know about. These Guides will be a part of A Little Beacon Blog's Things To Do In Beacon Guides, and will be maintained and promoted throughout the year.
There are many ways to participate: 
1. If you are teaching a class, please submit your information to Those added will be added at a Basic level to a related category (like LANGUAGE, or PAINTING). 
2. If you teach and you want your listing to stand out and get into our social media streams, you can start an advertising subscription as a Featured Business, details are in the Advertising Package which you can download here. Please note, you do not need to do this in order to be included at a Basic level in the Adult and Kids Classes Guides. This is for if you want to step it up a notch.
3. If you work for a business or corporation who supports the arts and community events, we are working with sponsors of single Guides or of all of the Things To Do In Beacon Guides, which includes Restaurants, Classes, Shopping, Beauty, etc. This major sponsor level helps us maintain and promote these Guides which helps smaller businesses and artists get the word out. To get your logo on the flyer and to be part of the initial launch of these highly anticipated Classes Guides, please email 

Look for it soon! We are adding classes on a daily basis and perfecting how we want you to see it.

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