Sunday, December 6, 2015

Come In! Painted Furniture at HudsonGold Pop-Up Shop in Zora Dora's

Enthusiasts of reclaimed and painted furniture are rejoicing to find HudsonGold open for the holidays in Zora Dora's space on the west end of Main Street, which has become well-known for housing temporary pop-up shops during the winter season.
Painted mason jars hold roses on top of custom fabric.

Recognize the book on the table? It is one of many from Annie Sloan Home, who shares her techniques for painting furniture and even fabric.
Proprietress Laura Klehr Keyes is a furniture painter and an expert with the much-adored line of paint from Annie Sloan Home. If your heart just went pitter patter, then just wait, it gets better. If Laura finds a permanent storefront in Beacon, and if she becomes an official carrier of the line, then she intends to hold furniture-painting classes in brush, wax, sanding and painting techniques. And sell the paint! I know!!

You will find many goodies in Hudson Gold to to make for a pretty home.
Finding gifts for others is easy in Hudson Gold, as the purchases come in crafty packaging. Pick a mason jar, the raised letters of which have been sanded off, painted in a variety of colors, letting a votive candle's light shine through. For $5 each, it is an easy purchase.

Need something quick with big impact for a sister-in-law? Hudson Gold carries products from other brands, like a line of Hudson Apothecary diffusers from Fifth & Madison in lavender, linen or spa water that include the jar and scented sticks. As for the furniture, the finished pieces don't last long in the store. The light blue, heavily sanded table pictured here was gone just a week after this photo was taken.

Open hours are limited and include Saturdays and Sundays, with a "sometimes" Friday and a random day maybe during the week. In other words, if you see the lights on as you're driving by, pull over and stop in.

Their lights will be on and the store open with a special drink for December's Second Saturday.

Hudson Gold is located at 201 Main Street, in what is normally Zora Dora's in the summer.

This article is part of A Little Beacon Blog's "Come In!" series which showcases the inside of shops, stores and businesses you may have been curious about but hadn't stopped into yet.

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